An event hosted by The Brooklyn Rail on May 31st, 2022, featured host Bill Bankes-Jones, who moderated a discussion on While There’s Light between panelists Vincent Katz, Sarah Sarhandi, Rachel Levitsky, and Loré Lixenberg can be viewed here.
While There’s Light
an opera by
Sarah Sarhandi and Vincent Katz
While There’s Light is an opera with music by composer and violist Sarah Sarhandi and libretto by poet and translator Vincent Katz. Taking the love poems of Sextus Propertius, a prominent member in the literary circle of the Roman Emperor Augustus, Katz and Sarhandi are crafting an evening’s performance that tells a story of love, lust, obsession, mistrust, hatred, death, and immortality, set against the context, relevant today as then, of a relentlessly militaristic society.
While There’s Light Performance
Interview with Sarah Sarhandi and Vincent Katz of While There’s Light
Sarah Sarhandi & Vincent Katz present an interactive broadcast of the first performance of While There’s Light, available from Tête-à-Tête Opera Festival, now through September 4, 2021
Imperial Palace, Palatine Hill, Rome, 2002, photo by Vivien Bittencourt